801-771-0933   (F) 801-355-0585


Lowering Operating Costs and Increasing Asset Value with USGBC LEED® Standards

E-Corp has long recognized the positive impact that sustainable building practices have on our industry and our environment. Because E-Corp focuses solely on federal government construction projects, all of which are funded by federal tax dollars, we realize the value in properly using those funds as a long-term investment.

Many of the projects E-Corp completes each year fall under the category of energy-saving renovation projects ranging from lighting efficiency upgrades, lighting automation controls, solar electrical generation, geothermal heating, solar panel heating of water and air, VFD upgrades, and mechanical equipment upgrade to higher-efficiency models. E-Corp has also been a leader on the government end of reducing construction waste through recycling programs, using recycled products in construction and locally-available products

E-Corp offers clients more than 20 LEED® – trained staff members, as well as federal contracting LEED® experience.

E-Corp has been a member of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) since 2010. We have four LEED® APs and seven LEED® Green Associates on staff in our project management team. Another 15 project management and superintendent employees have attended an eight-hour LEED® orientation seminar and training course. E-Corp also partnered with the USGBC in sponsoring an education and training seminar for the local Air Force base for more than 150 public and private employees.